How We Work
As an RIBA Chartered Practice, we closely follow the RIBA workstages and plan all our architectural projects accordingly. If you choose to work with us, this is the process that you can expect to follow.
The Process
The RIBA’s ‘Plan of Work’ sets out the key stages of a construction project from conception to completion. Simon Knight Architects can hold your hand through this entire process.
What follows is an outline of the services that can be provided by Simon Knight Architects. Full details of our services along with the terms and conditions will be specific to your project. You can commission us for any of the stages you need for your project.
RIBA Workstages
RIBA Stages 1-2
Briefing and Concept Design (Feasibility)
The first step in any project is to help define the design brief and for everyone to understand what the main ambitions are. We start by conducting analysis of the site and any existing property, which then helps inform our initial feasibility sketches and layout options. We sometimes use 3D massing studies to test out concepts and give preliminary thoughts on materials and elevations. This is all collated into a single document for you to digest and respond to.

RIBA Stage 3
Developed Design (Planning Application)
After the feasibility study has been completed and signed-off, we then commence design development from RIBA Stages 1-2. This is where the design evolves from the initial sketches into a more detailed and thorough exploration of the proposal. At the end of this stage, we will have produced a drawing set ready for planning and when required, an accompanying design and access statement. During this stage we develop your designs in 3D and can offer CGI and Virtual Reality experiences.
We co-ordinate with additional consultant reports when applicable (e.g. heritage, acoustics, transport) and help with the planning submission, including acting as your agent.
Planning application submission - 2 weeks validation period plus eight weeks decision period minimum.

RIBA Stage 4
Technical Design (Tender)
This is a critical stage of the project after planning consent has been achieved and we are ready to produce detailed technical design drawings (General Arrangements, proposed internal elevations, reflected ceiling plans, external construction details), scoping plans outlining proposed finishes, window/door schedules and architectural specification.
At this stage, a structural engineer will need to be appointed, along with other consultants when required. We coordinate our drawings with theirs and ensure that everything has been considered before the construction stage.
This coordinated stage 4 set of information can then be used to both gain approval from building control and obtain detailed quotations from potential contractors. We can help with this tender process and review the prices with you as they are returned.

RIBA Stages 5-6
Once the builder has been appointed, we can become contract administrators and be on-hand to conduct on-site monitoring, answer any queries from site and conduct site visits to certify the work completed. This helps ensure that the quality we have been striving for during the design stages is then communicated and delivered on site with the chosen contractor.
If you have any questions, or would like to find out more about working with us, please contact us today.